
Dr. Gurdeep Rastogi

Senior Scientist

Email ID:

Mobile Number: +91-8280197164

Current Research Work/Specialisation: Molecular analysis of phytoplankton, bacteria, and archaea, integrate genomics, ecology, molecular biology, proteomics, and bioinformatics to better understand the interactions of microorganisms under different environmental conditions.

Google Scholar:


Name: Dr. Pradipta Ranjan Muduli 
Designation: Scientific Officer
Email id:
Mobile No: +91-8280244504
Current Research Work/Specialisation: 
Carbon biogeochemistry in estuarine and coastal ecosystem; Nutrient uptake by phytoplankton, sea weeds and macrophytes; Trace metal fractionation studies of estuarine sediments. Study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and petroleum hydrocarbon



Name: Mr. Bibhuti Bhusan Dora
Designation: Project Assistant (GIS)
E-Mail ID:
Mobile No:: +91 8895628009
Current Research Work/Specialisation : 
GIS Map making with the Physico-Chemical parameter data of Chilika Lagoon , GPS survey of watershed area and Mouth area of chilika Lake , Watershed map Making .

Name: Mr. Rakesh Baral
Designation: Senior Research Fellow
E-Mail ID:
Mobile No: +91 9778130855
Current Research Work/ Specialisation: 
Specialised in Coastal processes, shoreline management studies, Hydrodynamic modeling.

Name – Mr. Manas Banik

Designation- Junior Research Fellow (Environmental Sciences)

Email Id: -

Mob No.- +91-8327758537

Current research work/ Specialization: - Study of Physico-chemical parameter; Nutrient uptake by phytoplankton, seaweeds and macrophytes; Chlorophyll pigment analysis and Study on Petroleum Hydrocarbon of water and sediment in Chilika Lagoon.


Name: Pramod Kumar Tripathy

Designation: Junior Research Fellow

Email Id:

Mobile No: +91- 7504659824

Current Research Work/Specialisation: Macrophyte taxonomy and biodiversity assessment from Chilika